Lincoln YMCA
At the Y, we take immense pride in our work to strengthen communities and help all of us be our best selves. We provide a place to play, to learn, to be healthy, to eat well and to give back. We give parents childcare, young adults job training, seniors a way to connect and children a safe place to go. We believe that everyone—no matter who they are or where they’re from—deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential. Everything the Y does is in service of making sure people and communities thrive.
The Lincoln Area YMCA in Illinois collaborates annually with over 30 agencies, businesses or organizations, giving back to the community in either service or space.
Program Registration available on-site and online
A membership at the Lincoln YMCA not only makes you active, it strengthens your community at the same time. At the YMCA, our focus on health and well-being helps our members find balance in their life. That’s why we’re here with you every day to make sure you, your family and community have the resources and support to help you learn, grow and thrive. Learn about our programs and how to register online for things like soccer, basketball, camps and more.
Lincoln YMCA Hours of Operation:
Office Hours
Monday – Friday: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Youth Activity Center Member Access
Monday – Friday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

LINCOLN YMCA. For a better us.®
719 Wyatt Ave
Lincoln, IL 62656
(217) 735-3915
Empowering young people to reach their full potential
Improving individual and community well-being
Providing support and action in our communities